Well shit, sir.
Are you TRYING to make me imagine cats being flung about in horrifically hilarious manner? Cause.. from the title, and my tired brain, that's exactly what I'm getting.
Well shit, sir.
Are you TRYING to make me imagine cats being flung about in horrifically hilarious manner? Cause.. from the title, and my tired brain, that's exactly what I'm getting.
Wow. I wasn't, until I read this.
Now I can't stop thinking about it.
I am a horrible person D:
I'm just uuuh.. gonna download this and put it on repeat for a while...
Doooo ittttt. Fill your brain with the sounds of BURN7! ;3
Still a favorite
I still love it!
I just wish newgrounds wasn't retarded and made you get rid of the ring sounds.. buut yeah... stupid copyright laws haha.
ooo Chills.
Gave me chills.
I love it. XD
Love love love love love!
If I could, I'd 9 1/2. But sadly, I. Can. Not.
But yes. Only reason is because I agree with uhh.. (scrolls down) Dachampster with the beginning guitar. But other than that. Love love love. XD
Yeah, It's still a work-in-progress. So it's gonna have stuff wrong with it. But I enjoy constructive criticism. It helps me fix things that need it that I wouldn't have caught otherwise.
Glad you liked it!
I like it a lot!
It has that, WHooSH feeling.. if you know what I mean.
At one point in it I was thinking James Bond.. Lawl.
ha sweet i'll take it as a compliment
=O om nom
I like teh piano. X3
It originally was JUST a piano song so.. I'm glad the piano was up to your standards! Your insane oh-so-high standards of workmanship that only the extremely skilled and/or extremely lucky can achieve!
Age 32, Female
Joined on 10/21/09